Ancient Chinese medicine tells us we’re each born with an inner vibration that’s aligned with one or two of the Chinese Five Elements “Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal”.
And when you know which element (or elements) you’re aligned with, you’re a step closer to breaking through painful thought patterns and stuck energies that can cause depression, anxiety, fatigue, and other imbalances that may be zapping you of your wellbeing and happiness.
You can discover how to tune into your unique elemental rhythms, and how gentle movement in the form of belly dancing as well as sacred ceremony can ignite incredible healing shifts in your life and relationships.
You can register here for The 5 Elements Through Belly Dance & Ceremony: Ancient Wisdom & Healing Movements to Reclaim Your Power with highly experienced energy medicine and dance teachers and sisters Dondi Dahlin and Titanya Monique Dahlin:
In this experiential hour, you’ll:
- Discover how to uncover your unique personality characteristics through the Chinese Five Elements: Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal
- Discover belly dancing as energy medicine that can give you more energy and a stronger body
- Learn how sacred ceremony tailored to balance your dominant elemental energy can awaken your true essence and help you learn how to easily work with fear, anger, panic, worry, and grief
- Learn to do a shimmy, a belly dance movement that quickly connects you to the feminine power of the fire element, which is about passion and fun!
- Be guided in a simple, hip figure 8 belly dance to embody the water element aligning the left and right hemispheres of your brain to balance your energies and bring calm

Viewing your personality characteristics and those of others through the Chinese Five Elements enables you to better understand your temperament, emotions, and stuck places and honor and break through them.
The sacredness and sheer bliss of belly dancing can help you embody your truest essence, and experience the joy and liberation of living on your own terms.
This is NOT Las Vegas-style belly dancing, performed in scant, navel-exposing, see-through, and sequined costumes choreographed to be alluring to men the incorrect perception many have of this ancient dance form.
This is belly dancing in its most traditional form Traced back to the Middle East, the Mediterranean, and Africa, this ancient dance form was originally performed by women for women during fertility and pre-marriage ceremonies, as well as to celebrate each other’s beauty, femininity, and stages of womanhood.