Flash Belt 2010

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH AT 11AM (CST) Set an alarm.

It starts with

JUST 50 Ultra-Early-bird Tickets on sale for $279!
(Save over $100. When they’re gone, they’re gone.)
Plus the
FIRST 10 Tickets for each Workshop are discounted by $60.

“We’re really excited to be able to bring you another killer line up of top shelf, cutting edge, industry leading designers, developers, authors, educators and explorers this spring.
You’ll learn
about new features, tools and techniques and improve your professional skills.You’ll be inspired by what you see and what you hear and get a fresh dose of energy to keep pushing the limits with your own work.  You’ll make connections that result in job opportunities, business partnerships, product solutions and new friendships.  Join us.  Don’t miss it.