Women in Tech Panel – FITC Toronto May 4, 2011

The Women in Tech panel will be in the Influxis Voodoo Lounge (upstairs at the Guvernment) starting at 11 am.

We’ll be addressing students at GIFT, an event in New Hope, PA that is focused on encouraging middle to high school girls to pursue careers in technology and science. We will give the girls a chance to meet successful women in the technology field via Skype.

The panel led by Lisa Larson~Kelley (http://www.fitc.ca/events/speakers/speaker.cfm?event=116&speaker_id=8844} will include
Véronique Brossier (http://www.fitc.ca/events/speakers/speaker.cfm?event=116&speaker_id=5489),
Ann-Marie Cheung (http://www.fgnewmedia.com/weblog/),
Stacey Mulcahy (http://www.fitc.ca/events/speakers/speaker.cfm?event=116&speaker_id=8060), and Val Head (http://thisisportable.com)

My comments are here

International Women’s Day: 100 years of struggle for women’s liberation

“The history of IWD is a history of the struggle of ordinary women to throw off the burden of the oppression and discrimination they faced. In 1908, 15,000 women marched through New York City demanding shorter hours, better pay and voting rights. The first National Women’s Day was celebrated in 1909 to demand right to vote, be trained, hold office and an end to discrimination on March 19…”

Read the article >>

The femme power behind the $50 Billion Facebook valuation

Ms. Sandberg was able to connect with and understand Zuckerberg’s goal of connecting everyone in the world and was successful in establishing and communicating the value proposition of his vision. Ms Sandberg who is excellent in her interpersonal skills and intellect, filled in the role of the perfect guardian, defending, safeguarding and rescuing Zuckerberg from his ramblings and tight spots Facebook, as a company, found itself at the end of it.

Sheryl Sandberg
Read the article on wowElle >>

Are you a female founder with a success to celebrate in 2010?

To join the list of female founders, send an email to foundrtickr@women2.org with:

  • A 140 character description of an accomplishment in 2010.
  • Your full name, startup name, and position at the startup.
  • Your headshot, a link to your company/startup website, and your Twitter account.

How do I qualify to make the Women 2.0 list of Female Founder Successes?

  1. You must be a female founder of a technology company, defined as a company with an engineer/technologist on the founding team.
  2. A “success” for this list is a company launch, significant product launch, significant milestone reached, angel/venture funding received or similar success.

More info >>

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