Flash & Flex Developer's Magazine

Flash & Flex Developer’s Magazine

This is a highly informative magazine that has something for every Flash and Flex professional. While the January issue does lean heavily on the more technical and code side of things, there are articles of interest to designers as well. Some animation, some case studies and reviews. The review of Flash CS4 was particularly well done and clearly written by someone who has a lot of Flash experience.

I didn’t get a chance to review the included CD as my copy of the magazine was a pdf file – but wow! According to the list, there are a lot of neat and useful trials, project files and applications on the cd.

Overall, I found the magazine to be extremely informative and detail oriented. Articles didn’t just whitewash over things but actually covered pro’s and cons thoroughly. And not just of obscure topics but things that are useful on  a day to day basis like: what is Flex? How to use the XML Loader Class. Should I upgrade to Flash CS4? Flash and Flex SEO. Making Flash games for the Wii. And so on.

Highly recommended and I can’t wait to get my hands on the next issue.

Reviewed by:
Paula R. Mould
Flash Developer

Visit the website: http://www.ffdmag.com

Please note future changes to the magazine include:

More pages – 100 pages (was 84)

They will be getting rid of the CD – the new download section is going to be open to all FFD members.Bi-monthly(was quarterly)

http://forum-en.ffdmag.com/ – FFD Forum where you can find some answers to the questions, or you can help others.

The article submission to the June issue #4 (3/2009) is opened – feel free to send your article idea. ( The title submission deadline is 13th February, the final deadline is 19th February).

New pdf subscription offer for just 7.99 (per 6 issues)  http://www.ffdmag.com/prt/view/subscribe.html

Speaking at FITC Toronto 2009

I’m really thrilled to be speaking at FITC this year!
I’ll be moderating this Panel Discussion

Reality Cheque – Running a Freelance Business
It’s everything you should have learnt in school but didn’t! Topics will include:

  • How much are you really worth? Setting your rates.
  • Should you sign on the dotted line? Contracts – friend or foe.
  • Taxes – don’t spend it all on beer and popcorn!
  • You sent out what? How to market yourself successfully.

And FITC is offering 100 festival tickets to any women who would like to attend. All you have to do is submit a video of why you want to go.

Find out how to get your ticket!

See all you Flash Goddesses at FITC!

Netdiver's 2008 Best of the Year

Netdiver Best of the Year is always a long awaited release of which projects and whose talents have made a strong and lasting impression in the previous year. We aimed to list 100 and just could not. So how about 110 because we feel they gave their 110% best?

Now in its 7th edition, the crop of the year is for us, the top of the year. Hope you agree. Refresh your memory and (re)encounter new sources of design inspiration.

How women can get a free pass to FITC Toronto!

FITC TO 2009
FITC TO 2009

FITC recognizes that females in our industry are underrepresented. They feel there are some amazing women working in this industry, and  want to see them at FITC Toronto.

As such, FITC is stepping up and offering 100 festival tickets to any women who would like to attend.

Find out how to get your ticket!

So, how do you get your ticket?
Simple. Tell us in a video post or a Flash post WHY you want to come to FITC Toronto. This video can be you, or feel free to create something in Flash!

8th Annual Horizon Interactive Awards

Don’t miss your opportunity! Each year thousands of entrants from all over the world compete to gain recognition for their outstanding media solutions. Their mission is to provide an international stage to promote that great work and to give credit where credit is due! Enter now for your chance to win the highly coveted Horizon Interactive Award and get the recognition that you deserve!

Visit horizoninteractiveawards.com to enter online .
Entry Deadline is February 20, 2009