FITC: New brand. New Logo. VIP Pass Giveaway

On November 24th, FITC will be announcing a new brand and a totally redesigned logo by one of their talented speakers. They are also giving away five VIP passes, which gives five people the chance to experience every FITC event in 2012 for just sending a tweet.

For the past ten years, FITC has stayed true to its core mission: to inspire, educate, connect and challenge digital creators. In order to do so, the topics and technologies covered at their events have radically changed and continue to.

So when people ask us, “what does FITC stand for?” it’s a hard question to answer because they have outgrown the original words behind the acronym, ‘Flash in the Can.’ FITC has played host to events in and outside of Canada, covering a whole lot more than Flash for a long time now.

FITC has evolved into a brand which is embraced by digital creators around the world for playing host to innovative speakers, who share the latest in technology and the creative things being done with it. They wanted the name to capture that, so they came up with four words which represent what their company and the events they host are about – all will be revealed November 24th.

FITC VIP pass giveaway.:

To enter, all contestants need to do is tweet @FITC, using hashtag #fitcevolution with what FITC means to them.

For example, an entry could look like: @FITC stands for: Fun. Interactive. Techy. Challenging. #fitcevolution

They will be randomly selecting three winners, as well as the most creative and for the funniest entry, giving away a total of five VIP passes. Entries will be accepted until midnight on November 23rd.

More Info >>

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