Sheridan Interactive Multimedia Open House – It's Alive!

IT’S ALIVE – Modeling Life…

Sheridan Interactive Multimedia Open House 2009



April 22, 2009
2PM – 7PM
Function 13 Gallery (Home of FITO and FITC)
156 Augusta Ave – Kensington Market (at Dundas)

var tech:Array = [“AS3”, “3D”, “Inverse Kinematics”, “Tilt”, “Motion Graphics”,
“AIR”, “PHP”, “MySQL”, “JQuery”, “AJAX”, “Project Management”, “Web Design”];

var apps:Array = [“Adobe CS4”, “Flash”, “DreamWeaver”,
“Photoshop”,  “Illustrator”, “Premiere”, “AfterEffects”];


Hope to see you there for a showing of portfolios, snacks, drinks and mingles.

Also… a door prize of a free FITC Toronto festival ticket!

Oh… make sure you try the augmented reality part of the interactive invite!
Here is a link to a YouTube video to see how to make it alive!!!


If you’re a freelancer or even thinking about freelancing you don’t want to miss our panel discussion at FITC Toronto “Reality Cheque: Running a Freelance Business”! 

This session will dive into helpful and practical subject matter that they didn’t teach you in school. We’ll provide you with tips and techniques to help you run a successful freelance business. Topics will include how to set your rates, factoring in taxes, making sure a contract is in your best interest and how to market yourself. So bring along your questions as well.

Panelists include Dana DiTomaso LakeStreet Communications , Kendra Gadzala, Nadine Lessio, and Stacey Mulcahy And I’ll be moderating (Ann-Marie Cheung

FITC is even offering a special discount for freelancers and those who are out of work or have been recently been laid off, pretty cool!

I’ve been coming to this event for the past 7 years and it has always been great! I can’t wait!

more info >>

Who's going to FITC Toronto 09?

FITC is less than 4 weeks away! I tend to go to the creative and business sessions.  “99 Problems but a Pitch Ain’t One” a panel moderated by Simon Conlin and “Marketing Your Skillz (aka Self Promotion for the Shy Creative Type)” by Daniel Schutzsmith look very interesting.  I’m also looking forward to the Adobe Keynote , Joshua Davis’ “Space” presentation and also seeing what the “Cool Japanese Flash” is about.

There’s a few women presenting this year; Carole Guevin, “Online, the Brand is YOU!”, Stacey Mulcahy “Large Scope/ Little Worry”, Ana Serrano “Innovative Storytelling through Hybrid Media”, Camille Utterback “Responding to Bodies: My Work is Watching You”. Hey, I’m even moderating a panel this year, “Reality Cheque – Running a Freelance Business”.

It’s going to be a good one! FITC is the one event I absolutely must attend every year! >>

Speaking at FITC Toronto 2009

I’m really thrilled to be speaking at FITC this year!
I’ll be moderating this Panel Discussion

Reality Cheque – Running a Freelance Business
It’s everything you should have learnt in school but didn’t! Topics will include:

  • How much are you really worth? Setting your rates.
  • Should you sign on the dotted line? Contracts – friend or foe.
  • Taxes – don’t spend it all on beer and popcorn!
  • You sent out what? How to market yourself successfully.

And FITC is offering 100 festival tickets to any women who would like to attend. All you have to do is submit a video of why you want to go.

Find out how to get your ticket!

See all you Flash Goddesses at FITC!