Mike Downey interviews Colin Moock at FITC in Toronto, and discuss Colin’s upcoming ActionScript book, Essential ActionScript 3 …
Mike Downey interviews Colin Moock at FITC in Toronto, and discuss Colin’s upcoming ActionScript book, Essential ActionScript 3 …
Sometimes the simplest Flash app is the most memorable. I received an email this week entitled “If you’ve ever wondered how a mouse pointer actually worked….” and this link: http://www.1-click.jp/
A tiny Flash app with the why didn’t I think of that feeling. 🙂
Not a Flash site but definitely one of my favourite sites to visit! Even if you’re not into gardening, you’ll appreciate the wonderful photography.
Launched by Gayla Trail in February 2000, www.yougrowgirl.com has grown into a thriving online community that speaks to a new kind of gardener, seeking to redefine the modern world relationship to plants. This contemporary, laid-back approach to gardening places equal importance on environmentalism, style, affordability, art, and humour. ..
Nominations for the 2007 Boston Flashforward Film Festival are now open!
Flashforward2007 Boston
September 19-21, 2007
Marriott Copley Place, Boston
For the first time ever, Flashforward comes to Boston for three days of intensive education, inspiration, community, and networking. Live, breathe, eat, and sleep Flash®, Flex, ActionScript and Apollo. Learn how Flash integrates with other Adobe® applications to create Flash video, rich internet applications in and out of the browser, animation, audio, games, data visualization, database integration, mashups, and much more…
If you have a used mobile phone, you can now return it to any Bell store across the country. Bell will donate $1.00 from the return of each used mobile phone to WWF-Canada’s climate change conservation efforts. Returned mobile phones will be reused or recycled, reducing the accumulation of e-waste in landfills.
In Canada, e-waste is now the fastest growing segment of solid waste. Bell has collected 232,000 phones since 2003, diverting 33 metric tons from landfill.
more info here: http://wwf.ca/NewsAndFacts/Projects/bell.asp
The 2007 Sheridan Interactive Multimedia Open House will take place:
Thursday, April 19th, 2007
2PM – 7PM
Room S139 of the SCAET Building, Sheridan
1430 Trafalgar Rd, Oakville, Canada
With refreshments
more info >> http://interactivemultimedia.wordpress.com/