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Flash MX

Macromedia Flash Communication Server MX

Macromedia Flash Communication Server MX
Author: Kevin Towes

Reviewed by Marcus J. Dickinson
Publisher: New Riders
ISBN: 0735713332
Rating: 4/5 stars
Available Now!

I am a freelance Flash developer and trainer in the Toronto area. I recently gained an interest in Flash Remoting, and remember how much fun it was to learn something so powerful, yet simple to use. Learning Flash Communications Server seemed like the next logical step

If you think Flash Communications Server MX is some light reading, you are mistaken. This is very heavy, very thick content. I am thankful it was Kevin Towes that authored this book. I found that as I worked through this book, if at any point I started to become confused, Kevin quickly got me back on track in a timely manner. In my opinion, this is a key trait to good authoring.

The book came with numerous examples, ranging from basic to intermediate. I found that a lot of elements were repetitive, which again to me, is a great thing. By thoroughly understanding how the key ingredients work, a chef can create any masterpiece he wishes. All you have to do is practice. And I got lots of practice with this book.

I also enjoyed the language that was used. Server technology is relatively new to me, and I was expecting to have to memorize a plethora of new terms. Thankfully, the author used language and terminology I was comfortable with.

I had to read this book through twice before I completely had absorbed the concepts. I sympathize with the author, as writing the first book on the market about completely new software is not an easy task. I commend the author’s effort, and for the most part, it was a successful one. Aside from occasional errata (which I noticed have already been fixed on the website), there were only a few details I struggled with. As I mentioned above, the concepts were all presented in such a way that were easy to get comfortable with.

Flash Communications Server MX is a heavy book. It is not for beginners. It may not even be for intermediate users. It is a specifically targeted book for a specific audience. I believe THAT audience will benefit from it immensely.

It is worth the price if you want to delve into the realm of Flash Comm. The author is detailed and thorough, and the book is a rewarding one. It has my recommendation.

NB: In the time that has passed since I wrote this review, I have had the privilege of spending time corresponding with the author. He was quick and courteous to reply to my emails, and has offered me an even greater understanding of Flash Comm. Not many authors I have made inquiries to have responded so thoroughly. Thank you Kevin.

review by:
Marcus J. Dickinson
MX Developer
Corporate Trainer

Paperback: 504 pages
Publisher: New Riders Publishing;
ISBN: 0735713332; 1st edition (December 12, 2002)

buy from: Amazon.com l Amazon.ca

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